Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Out of the basement Gaming Tourney

After a few days of thinking...I have come up with an OK list. I am running on limited units/MCs, so I had to make the best of it. This list is not a true winner but it will do. Besides I'm out there for fun :P

1850 Pts - Tyranids Roster - The Brood

HQ: Hive Tyrant
1 Hive Tyrant
Adrenal Glands +1 In; Adrenal Glands +1 WS; Flesh Hooks; Implant Attack; Toxin Sacs +1 St; Scything Talons (x2); Synapse Creature; The Horror
3 Tyrant Guard
Flesh Hooks; Lash Whips; Rending Claws

HQ: Hive Tyrant
1 Hive Tyrant
Enhanced Senses +1 BS; Extended Carapace +1 Save; Flesh Hooks; Toxin Sacs +1 St; Scything Talons (x1); Venom Cannon; Synapse Creature; The Horror; Warp Blast

Elite: Warriors
4 Warriors
Extended Carapace +1 Save; Toxin Sacs +1 St; Scything Talons (x1); Deathspitter; Synapse Creature

Elite: Carnifex
1 Carnifex
Scything Talons (x1); Barbed Strangler

Troops: Gaunt Brood
20 Gaunt Brood

Troops: Gaunt Brood
20 Gaunt Brood

Troops: Hormagaunts
15 Hormagaunts
Toxin Sacs +1 St; Scything Talons

Troops: Hormagaunts
15 Hormagaunts
Toxin Sacs +1 St; Scything Talons

Fast Attack: Ravener
5 Ravener
Scything Talons (x2); Devourer

Heavy Support: Carnifex
1 Carnifex
Adrenal Glands +1 WS; Extended Carapace +1 Save; Tail Weapon - Scythe; Toxic Miasma; Toxin Sacs +1 St; Tusked; Crushing Claws; Scything Talons (x1)

Heavy Support: Zoanthrope
2 Zoanthrope
Toxic Miasma; Synapse Creature; Warp Blast; Warp Field

Total Roster Cost: 1850

Monday, June 29, 2009


So the friend that is letting me use his Tyranids has "persuaded" me to paint some miniatures for him as "payment". Here is some of the initial dry brushing.

HAHAHA, I do intend to testing Armypainter on these guys after I paint the metal bits. So hard to find the metal bits!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Warhammer 40K! OMGROTFLCOPTER!!!11111

Okay! A few of my friends and I are planning on attending a tournament in July. Its in Edmonton, hosted by the gaming group "Out of the basement" gaming.

I will hopefully be taking my friends (yes I know its sad...I need to finish my own armies) Tyranids. I should have a list hammered out soon.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Oh I forgot to add these conversions I completed this weekend...


Just finished some of my Heroes/Lords for my wood elves...